Crisis PR 101: Creating and Implementing a Crisis Plan

Data breaches, naughty CEOs, lawsuits, disgruntled employees, natural…

Public Relations is a Team Sport: Why you need an Agency and Tips for Maximizing the Relationship.

As far as I can tell, the farthest science – and I guess, ethics – have come in…

8 Ways to Position Yourself as a Thought Leader

Sometime in the mid-2000s, the term “Subject Matter Expert,” or SME cropped up…

How to Get the Most out of a Media Placement

You’ve been featured! Now what? There’s no such thing as bad PR, right? (Well,…

Pay Your Dues in the Restaurant Business; Succeed in PR

What is it like to work in PR? Chances are you might already know. If, “life…

Travel PR in the Digital Age

So, you’re a travel agent? No. Ok, so you make those commercials for the hotels…

How to Host a #Winning Culinary Instagram Event!

In the culinary world, the power of Instagram is increasing at a rapid rate.…

Why Face-to-Face Interaction With The Media Matters In the Digital Age

Between email, texting and social media, communicating with our fellow humans…

5 Trends Coming to Social Media in 2017

In 2016, we saw Facebook trending fake news, the beginning of the ongoing…

Four PR Tools for Nonprofits

Nonprofits, and their for-profit counterparts, are all seeking to raise…